
Aolox GmbH

Salzburger Straße 44

Gewerbegebiet West II
4690 Schwanenstadt


 Tel 2png  +43 664 61 12 162
Mail IIpng

Managing Director: Manfred Sterrer

VAT-No. ATU69813623

Commercial Register No. FN 438723g

Landesgericht Wels

Line of business: Bindemittel und Isolierstoffe

Member of Economic Chamber Austria

Office authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Vöcklabruck

Additional information

We check and update the information on our homepage regularly. Nevertheless, no liability or guarantee can be accepted for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided. Content errors will of course be corrected immediately upon discovery.

Responsible for content and design: Fa. Aolox GmbH

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